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Conference dates - Sept. 23-25, 2020


      Please download CCF WISA 2020 conference proceedings (Springer LNCS 12432) and papers here .


The  Conference on Web Information Systems and Applications (WISA) is sponsored by China Computer Federation. The 17th WISA Conference (WISA 2020) is going to take place in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China on Sept. 23-25, 2020(Conference ID:CCF-20-TC29-01N). WISA 2020 is organized by the CCF Technical Committee on Information Systems (CCF TCIS) and Guangzhou University. WISA 2020 provides a premium forum for researchers, professionals, practitioners and officers closely related to information systems and applications, which enables them to discuss the theme about Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems, focuses on difficult critical problems, and fosters innovative technology for new application areas of information systems.

The theme of WISA 2020 is Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems, focuses on intelligent cities, government Information systems, intelligent medical care, finteches, and network security, and emphasizes the technology to solve the difficult critical problems in data sharing, data governance, knowledge graph, block chains.

The program of WISA 2020 features several keynote talks by famous experts in the important areas of information systems, to share their cutting edge technology and views about the industrial hotspots. The other events include topic-specific forums, industrial forums, TCIS salon, and PhD forum.

WISA 2020 papers can be written in Chinese or English. To ensure the quality of accepted papers, all submitted papers will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. At least one author of accepted papers is required to present their paper during conference.  The accepted papers in Chinese will be recommended for publication in a number of Chinese journals (see the Chinese conference website for detail). The accepted papers  in English will be published in Springer LNCS Proceedings (Notice that all WISA 2018 and WISA 2019 conference papers published in Springer LNCS had been indexed by EI). Distinguished papers, after further revisions, will be recommended for possible publication in several SCI indexed special issues, including Future Generation Computer Systems (JCR 2, IF=5.768), Big Data Research (JCR 2, IF=2.952), and Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (JCR 3, IF=1.167).

WISA 2020 welcomes researchers, professionals, practitioners, and officers in areas of information systems and applications to submit papers and attend the conference. 

         Please pay the registration fees for papers in English following the registration instructions in the registration webpage of the conference website in Chinese.


Conference Organization                                                



                                  China Computer Federation(CCF)






CCF Technical Committee on

Information Systems


Guangzhou University

Guizhou University

Proceedings Publisher: